The market is just exploding with growth. The schools around here are excellent, there are major employers and lots of activities, from the arts to community bike trails. A lot of the communities around here have a smaller-town feel, but then there’s all this stuff that you can do, too. It’s little wonder that it feels like they’re building 50,000 new houses around here every day. It’s just amazing, the influx of people.
What sets Bank of Little Rock Mortgage apart, I think, is how we stay focused on the customer and how we keep things moving.
In the corporate world, there’s so much bureaucracy, it’s like moving mountains to get anything done. It’s not like that here. Here, it’s like we need something, boom, here you go. Everything moves faster. Everybody just works together. And that’s very good for everybody, especially the customer.
I’ve been married to my college sweetheart, Summer, for 21 years and we have two sons, Cole is a freshman at the University of Arkansas and Eli is in 6th grade. We also are guardians to two of our nieces, Halley and Lexy.
I enjoy playing chess with my sons a lot, although Eli is the only one I can still beat right now! Cole beats me quite often. We love to watch Razorback football, as well as, the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals
I also really enjoy spending time playing games with family and friends. We typically have folks over a couple times a week to play corn hole, darts, ring toss, or cards. We enjoy camping, fishing and listening to live music every chance we get.
I worked in ministry for years because I just really love to help and serve people. I enjoy having the opportunity to help people get into a home, especially if it’s their first home. It’s also the kind of job where I have control over my destiny. It’s a real win-win; if I work harder, I help more people and I’m more successful, too.
Building relationships, that’s what it’s all about. It’s about reaching out to new people, which is an extension of who I am. I don’t seem to meet anybody that I don’t think is very fascinating. Everybody’s got a story.

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